These pages might be an ideal place to advertise Your Salsa- or dancing club, Your event, product or whatever on one of the larger Salsa web sites in Europe.
Banner Advertising
"How many people will see my Banner ?"
Your Banner on all Home pages of the,
und - network will be seen by about 40 000 people every month.
Every day more than 1000 visitors create 3000 to 4000 page impressions per day.
"What about the costs ?"
Your presence on the Home pages of & cost only
120 EUR per month for non-salsa banners and 100 EUR
for Salsa related banners..
All payments have to be made at the beginning of the advertising period.
(prices valid for ordinary remit / direct transfer to our banking account in Germany (..or by paypal).
Booking for 12 months in advance means paying for only 10 months, You get 2 for free.
Technical specifications
size of the banner: 234 pixels (width) by 60 pixels (height), max. 10 kbytes, jpeg or gif.
More Questions ? Don´t hesitate, just drop us a line: salsa (at) gmx. at