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Beitrag von / Posted by me llaman gringuito (p508B84BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de on 8 00, 2011 at 02:42:07:

In Reply to: Re: KIZOMBA posted by Troll on 17 00, 2010 at 10:08:22:


Well, first of all
- just try to dance Tango Argentino or Milonga with something like Latin hip movement
- and never stretch your legs,
- don´t bother about you axis,
- fool around for the fun of it.

But, secondly,

Tango, Milonga and Vals Criollo have developped
from (Uruguayan/Agentinian)CANDOMBE,
which (like Brazilian Samba, who would have thought that)
stem from
Lundu- (Landu-, Lando-dances and music - which even got to Afro-Perú: Susana Baca),

brought (or rather, given as a present) by slaves from Angola to the "New World".

So, enjoy KIZOMBA,
but spend a thought on its rich and
long history every now and then....

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