: Re: Salsa in Moskau

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Beitrag von / Posted by Chris (salsa.at) on 26 00, 2007 at 12:07:25:

In Reply to: Salsa in Moskau posted by Birgit on 23 00, 2007 at 00:28:51:

Hallo Birgit,

Ein Bekannter von mir, DJ Diego Diaz / El Guajiro war schon man in Moskau salsa tanzen, ihm gefiel es hier:


Ansonsten hier mal eine Auflistung der Clubs in Moskau (Quelle: Anna Wilson, http://cityguides.salsaweb.com/russia/moscow/index.htm):

Molodyozhny Hotel, Dmitrovskoye Chaussee
A Latin disco, quite far from the city center. 2 bus stops from Timiryazevskaya metro station. Fridays and Saturdays, 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Note: the atmosphere may be relatively unpleasant at times. Come with your own partner,
especially if you are a female. Entrance fee keeps changing but women pay less than men.
40, Pokrovka St.
Used to be Club Hemingway, has changed its name but not its contents. A nice restaurant with Cuban and Mexican food, spontaneous dancing develops on Friday and Saturday nights, as well as any time the clientele wants to dance. May have live music on Thursdays through Saturdays.
76, Taganskaya Square
Get out at Taganskaya metro station, look around the square and you’ll see it. It’s a Latin
American restaurant in the place of an Arab restaurant that used to be a Latin American
restaurant before... Uff. They have Latin dancing on Friday and Saturday nights, but the same
thing as above applies - dance if you wish to, whatever day of the week it is.
Opposite Kursky Railway Station
Get out at Kurskaya metro station, cross the road and there you are. It’s a brick building just opposite the railway station, you won’t miss it. Latin dancing on Tuesdays, 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Mantulinskaya St., under Santa Fe restaurant. Nearest metro station: Ulitsa 1905 Goda
Latin dancing on Thursdays, midnight to 5:00 a.m.
Entrance fee: the rouble equivalent of US$10. Women go free before 11:00 p.m.
A place in open air in the pedestrian Arbat Street. They play salsa and merengue all the time, but they do not organise anything special yet. Nearest metro stations: Arbatskaya, Biblioteka Imeni Lenina, Borovitskaya, Alexandrovsky Sad Smolenskaya. Nice and informal, just start dancing if you wish, especially if you have come with a partner or a group of friends. Last time I went there in full daylight, they had a spontaneous tequila-drinking-without-using-your-hands contest. They plan to open a restaurant inside the building, too.
4 Narodnaya Street. Quite a nice Cuban restaurant. They have live music daily and dancing on
weekends, especially if there is a presentation of Havana Club or another alcoholic drink.
One of the most popular Cuban joints in Moscow. Nearest metro station: Taganskaya.
10, Novaya Basmannaya St. Weekly presentations of Havana Club are held there on Thursdays.
They start at 11:00 p.m. and end around 3:00 a.m. Nearest metro station: Krasnye Vorota.
A new cafe in the House of Artists (Dom Khudozhnika) on Krymsky Val St., nearest metro: Park
Presentations of Havana Club and Latin disco every Wednesday.


Salsa and merengue lessons for groups and individuals, organisation of Latin
American shows.
Eduardo Pallet Vara, tel. (7-095) 242-2413, e-mail address: edy-pallet@mtu-net.ru.
He is a professional dancer and stage director from Cuba. He has recently started a Latin dancing school, where he teaches salsa and merengue.
As far as I have noticed, girls pick up very quickly. The male partner factor is however low.

The school is in Sovietskaya Hotel on Leningradsky Prospect, nearest metro stations: Dinamo and Belorusskaya.There are also classes given by another dancer, Guillermo. 
Call Eduardo or contact me for any additional information. Eduardo can give private lessons, invite you to his shows or organise custom-made shows (not only Latin American).

Please note that although he speaks some English and French , he is much better off in Spanish and Russian, in both of which he is fluent.

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